A PwC Product
資誠 PwC 碳足跡解決方案 助您展開減碳之旅
世界上許多組織、企業和公共部門都在設定零排放目標,以支持將全球變暖保持在攝氏 1.5 度 的目標。在努力實現淨零排放或碳減排目標時,定期追蹤和監控溫室氣體協議(GHG Protocol)範圍 1、2 和 3 的排放至關重要。
1. 資訊散落各處且複雜,依賴人力收集與管理營運資料
2. 缺乏管理和監控資料品質和完整性問題的流程
資誠 PwC 的 Emissions Tracker 建基於我們收集、分析和報告碳足跡的經驗之上,以加快客戶收集、分析和報告碳資料的過程。
Emissions Tracker 可協助您:
All PwC products have a consistent support model and dedicated client service teams. Our commitment to our clients is at the same high level as any service or project we work on.
Answers at your fingertips, when you need them. And, we are constantly developing new products in real time as our clients’ needs and the world around them evolves.