Because China has followed a policy of economic reform and openness, business rules and regulations have gradually loosened, and with its abundant manpower and inexpensive raw materials, China continues to attract intense interest from global investors. However, while the rule of law is not fully established, the existing tax law system is complex, making investment in risky. Therefore, before investing in China, enterprises should consult professionals who know the local legal environment and can help them to construct an appropriate investment structure.
Taiwanese companies dominate investment in the mainland, whether analysed in terms of Dollars or any other measure. It is therefore logical that PricewaterhouseCoopers Taiwan has many accounting professionals disciplined in the tax laws of the PRC. Our in-depth knowledge and extensive experience in investment planning makes us a natural choice for clients looking to develop comprehensive investment structures for the PRC market. Our services are strengthened by our extensive network of PricewaterhouseCoopers professionals in the PRC and our strategic alliances with regional law firms. It becomes an effort to read. This combination enables us to provide you with powerful investment planning advice that promotes potential benefits and minimizes risk in the PRC market.