M&A in South and Central Taiwan

There are several globally competitive industrial clusters in south and central Taiwan with unique corporate cultures and business models. However, they also face issues like industrial transformation, succession and increasing regional competition. Therefore, M&A has become an issue that must be addressed by south and central Taiwan companies in their operations.

PwC has established a South & Central Deals Service team to provide immediate, localised and professional financial advisory services through a branch office in Taichung. Our services include:

  • Corporate M&A strategy advice
  • Corporate financing services
  • Market evaluation
  • Transaction value assessment
  • M&A transaction execution
  • Post-merger integration service

Contact us

Kenneth Liu

Kenneth Liu

Partner, PwC Taiwan

Tel: +886 2 27296666, x25831

Jerry Teng

Jerry Teng

Director, PwC Taiwan

Tel: +886 2 27296666, x26326

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